Feb 12, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

The Office of the Registrar - Student Records

Academic Objectives and Attendance
Santa Fe College is responsible for providing its students with an engaging, learning-centered environment that includes educationally sound, high-quality programs offered in an economical and efficient format. The continuation of students who lack the ability, preparation, or maturity to succeed is inconsistent with the college’s mission and its responsibility as a tax-supported institution.

A student’s standing at Santa Fe College will be determined by the relationship of hours attempted to grade points earned. To be considered in good standing and continue successfully toward a degree, a student must earn the grade points necessary to maintain a 2.0 (C) cumulative grade point average while at Santa Fe.

Math Sequence Guideline
All A.A. degree seeking students who are either registering for 12 or more credits or who have earned 12 or more credits should register for a math course each term until they have met their general education math requirements of 6 completed credit hours. This does not include HSDE (high school dual enrollment) students, transient students, students registered for one or more EAP courses, and students under warning for SAP or SOAP standards. Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to discuss their academic plan. 

Academic Standards of Progress
To maintain satisfactory academic progress, students must achieve a minimum term grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher each term.

Academic Warning. Any student who does not achieve a GPA of 2.0 or higher in a term will be notified via the college’s notification system and placed on academic warning. In cases where a student maintains an all-college cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above, he or she will remain on academic warning if he or she continues to earn a term GPA of below a 2.0. Once a student has been placed on warning, they will be limited to 12 credit hours until they are placed back into good academic standing.

Academic Probation. Any student who fails to achieve an all-college cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and a term GPA of 2.0 or higher for 2 consecutive terms will be notified via the college’s notification system and placed on academic probation. Once a student has been placed on probation, they will be limited to 9 credit hours until they are placed back into good academic standing except that the student can take 12 credit hours as long as one of the courses is selected from the following list: SLS1101, SLS1301, or SLS1601.

Academic Suspension. Any student on academic probation who earns less than a 2.0 for his or her all college cumulative GPA and less than a 2.0 term GPA will be notified via the college’s notification system and placed on academic suspension for the following term of enrollment (Fall, Spring, or Summer). Readmission may be granted after the suspended term, and after the student meets with a counselor in the Counseling and Wellness Center. If permitted to return to Santa Fe College, the student will remain in academic probationary status and must achieve a 2.0 GPA or higher for the term immediately following the suspension.

Academic Dismissal. Any student who does not achieve a term GPA of 2.0 or higher during the term following academic suspension will be notified via the college’s notification system and placed on academic dismissal from the College for one academic year (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Readmission may be granted after the dismissal period, and after the student has met with a counselor in the Counseling and Wellness Center.

Returning to Good Academic Standing. When a student’s all college cumulative GPA is a 2.0 or higher, he or she returns to Good Academic Standing, unless his or her term GPA continues to be below a 2.0 GPA. If the term GPA is above a 2.0 but the all college cumulative GPA remains under, they will remain at their current status until the all college cumulative GPA is above a 2.0.

Educational Interventions. The Counseling and Wellness Center will provide intervention services to academically ‘at risk’ students who have been placed on warning, probation, suspension and/or dismissal. Students who are on probation, suspension, or dismissal will be required to meet with a counselor and Counseling and Wellness Center services will be offered to students who are on warning. The student and counselor will work together to create a success plan to promote better academic performance. Additional educational interventions may be assigned as appropriate.

Transferring to Santa Fe College from Another Institution of Higher Education. All transfer students’ transcripts will be evaluated by the College’s standards of progress using the same criteria used for non-transfer students. That is, transfer students entering with less than a 2.0 GPA will be assigned to the appropriate category, i.e., academic warning or probation.

Earning Credit While Suspended or Dismissed. A student under suspension from another institution may not enroll at Santa Fe College for one semester. A student under suspension from Santa Fe College may not earn credits toward a degree from this institution by taking courses at another institution during the term of suspension.

Provision for Review. Any student who feels there were extraordinary circumstances that led to his or her academic status and would like to request an adjustment to the status criteria (waive credit-hour limits, request early return, etc.), may petition in writing the College Registrar who will forward the petition to the appropriate Associate Vice-President within Academic Affairs, for a final, binding decision.

Grades and Reports

  1. At the end of the term, a final grade for each term is recorded and preserved. Grades and grade point values include:
Superior Achievement A 4.0
Good Achievement B+ 3.5
  B 3.0
Satisfactory Achievement C+ 2.5
  C 2.0
Minimum Achievement D+ 1.5
  D 1.0
Failure F 0.0
Failure-Academic Misconduct XF 0.0
Incomplete (I) Changed to F if not completed by conclusion of next major term
Audit X  
Withdrawal W  
  1. At the end of the semester or term, final grades are available on eSantaFe at the SF website, www.sfcollege.edu.
  2. Forgiveness Policy: Courses in which a grade of D or F was earned may be repeated for credit. All courses attempted will appear on the transcript. Attempts marked with a T on the transcript are not included with calculating the cumulative grade point average; attempts marked with an R are included when calculating the cumulative grade point average. The student will be allowed only two repeat attempts per course. Students should be aware that some colleges or universities may not accept a grade of a repeated course or may compute the grade originally assigned. Students receiving financial aid of any type are cautioned to check with the Financial Aid office to ensure that the repeat course will count toward their financial aid award. 
  3. Grade point averages are determined by computing the ratio of grade points earned to semester hours attempted. Grades of W and X are not included in total grade point averages.

 Grade Forgiveness Policy
The college will not include in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average courses in which a grade of D or F was earned and repeated with a grade of C or better. The student will be allowed only two repeat attempts per course and all attempts and grades will appear on the transcript. Applicable attempts are marked with a T and are not included in calculating the cumulative grade point average; attempts marked with an R are included when calculating the cumulative grade point average. Students should be aware that some colleges or universities may not accept a grade of a repeated course or may compute the grade originally assigned. Students receiving financial aid of any type are cautioned to check with the Financial Aid office to ensure that the repeat course will count toward their financial aid award.

Fresh Start
SF Fresh Start enables students to apply to exclude their academic record prior to a specified date from their cumulative grade point calculations at Santa Fe College. Each student may only be granted Fresh Start once. The excluded portion of the academic record must be at least five years old. Application decisions will be made by the college’s Fresh Start Review Committee, and appeals will be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Affairs. The President is authorized to establish procedures related to Fresh Start.

Students who wish to withdraw from a course and receive a W may do so via eSantaFe (Web) or Records Office (Building R, room 112) up until the official withdrawal date of each term/session. The withdrawal date for each term/session is available in the online calendar and via eSantaFe.

A student may have only three attempts per course including original grade, repeat grades and withdrawals. An attempt is defined as an enrollment in a course where any grade is assigned, or the student withdraws and receives a W. Courses that are dropped prior to the drop with a refund date will not be counted as an attempt.

The student will be permitted a maximum of two withdrawals per course. Upon the third attempt, the student will not be permitted to withdraw and will receive a grade for that course.

Florida Administrative Code (6A-14.0301) requires that on a third attempt, a student must pay the full cost of instruction, which is equal to the non-Florida resident cost of tuition. Occasionally, a petition for fee reduction may be granted by the college registrar for documented cases of extreme hardship. A petition for waiver of the full cost of tuition must be requested to the Office of the Registrar no later than one business day prior to the start of the term for which approval is sought. No waivers are granted retroactively.

Official Withdrawal
A student may officially withdraw from one or more classes or from the college prior to the late withdrawal deadline. For information on this process, please visit www.sfcollege.edu.

Petitions for Refunds or Withdrawals
The College Petitions Committee reviews and makes decisions on student petitions to adjust records. The committee is composed of SF faculty and staff. Students may petition through the committee to drop a course with refund or to withdraw from a course after the published withdrawal date.

A student who drops one or more classes during the first five instructional days of fall, spring, or summer full semesters, including terms D or G, or during the first three instructional days of A or B terms, may receive a full refund of tuition and fees paid for the dropped course work. The deadlines for fee refunds are on the last official day to drop and receive a refund and the dates are, posted on the official college calendar. These refunds are automatically processed without action by students. Refunds are disbursed through BankMobile to the student on behalf of the college. Allow two to four weeks after the deadline to receive your refund.

Refund/Repayment Policy
As a result of the Higher Education Act of 1998, a student who completely withdraws may be required to repay a percentage of Title IV Federal Financial Aid funds received.

For specific information about the refund/repayment policy, please visit the Financial Aid website at www.sfcollege.edu or call a financial aid specialist at 352-395-5480.

Dean’s List
Santa Fe College’s Dean’s List is an academic distinction used to recognize the highest level of scholarship demonstrated by students who meet eligibility requirements. Students are eligible for the Dean’s List in the fall, spring, and summer semesters. To qualify, a student must be enrolled in a Vocational Certificate, Associate’s, or Bachelor’s degree program, enroll full time, and have a minimum 3.5 Program of Study grade point average for the semester. 

Honors Program
The Santa Fe College Honors Program fosters academic excellence and extracurricular enrichment among highly motivated, intellectually curious, creative learners who represent the full diversity of the SF community. The Honors Program at SF is an academic program in which students and faculty collaborate as partners in a learning process that takes place within and beyond the classroom.

Engaged and committed students are invited to participate in the Honors Program each semester. Every Honors course is specially noted on the official SF transcript. Upon completion of the program requirements, students receive an Honors designation on the Associate in Arts degree, special recognition at graduation, and an Honors certificate. In order to graduate from the program with a certificate, students must:

· Complete at least 15 hours of Honors course work with a B or higher, or engage in equivalent Honors-level coursework and extracurricular engagement.
· Maintain an overall 3.5 Program of Study GPA.

Current and transfer students are invited to join the program after meeting the following criteria:

1. A strong academic Program of Study GPA and a minimum of 12 credit hours in A.A. degree course work at SF or at another College, and
2. Essay submission
3. Recent academic sample

Dual Enrollment and incoming students with strong high school records and test scores are also accepted. For more information, contact the Honors Program at https://www.sfcollege.edu/honors/contact/.

Individual Study
Individual Study credit may satisfy General Education requirements for the Associate in Science or Associate in Applied Science degree, at the discretion of the department and provided that no more than three semester hours of credit are applied to any one specific area. For the Associate in Arts degree, Individual Study may not be used to meet the General Education requirements although it may be used as elective credit.

No more than three semester hours of credit can be applied to any one Individual Study request. An Individual Study may not duplicate any preexisting course in the college curriculum. Forms are available in the offices of the academic chairpersons and academic directors.

The Individual Study outline must be typed. The outline must include objectives, texts and/or materials, meeting times with the designated instructor, and methods of evaluation (exam, term paper, etc.). It is the student’s responsibility, rather than the instructor’s, to prepare the outline. Individual Study forms must be completed and submitted with the typed outline to the appropriate chairperson or academic director by the first day of the term in which credit is to be awarded. Students must then submit the form to the Office of Curriculum and Scheduling, located in the Robertson Administration Building, room 15, to have the course created. Students will register for Individual Study courses with their copy of the form on or before the last day to add classes for the term that credit is to be awarded. Individual Study credit is awarded and applied to the transcript at the end of the term.

Specialized Group Study
Specialized Group Study credits may satisfy General Education requirements for the Associate in Science (A.S.) or Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in the areas of Communications/Humanities, Math/Science and Social/Behavioral Sciences, at the discretion of the department provided that no more than three semester hours of such credit are applied to any one specific area. For the Associate in Arts (A.A.) degree and the Associate in Science (A.S.) degrees, however, Specialized Group Study credits may not be used to meet the General Education requirements, although they may be used as elective credits.

Transient Enrollment
Santa Fe College students wishing to attend another post-secondary institution and transfer credits back to Santa Fe College must obtain permission from SF before enrolling at the other institution. Students should fill out a transient form, seek advisement about courses they wish to take, and have their status at SF certified in the Office of the Registrar before enrolling at another institution. SF students interested in transient enrollment should review the transient process overview information at https://www.sfcollege.edu/advisement/transient-students/.

Santa Fe College has an Auto-Graduation process. Students will be notified via the college’s official notification system of their potential eligibility to graduate and prompted to review and edit their application that will be automatically created. Students will have the ability to review and edit the graduation application continuously until the end of the eligible term. All graduations are final. Students can “Opt Out” of graduation if desired. Students who will be graduating in the summer semester may attend either the spring or fall graduation. Summer applicants who apply by the spring program deadline are included in the spring program. Otherwise, summer graduate names are listed in the fall program.

Reverse Transfer Information: The College is a part of the Statewide Reverse Transfer Articulation Agreement and participates in reverse credit transfer services, through signed agreement with the National Student Clearinghouse. These agreements facilitate the exchange of transcript information between educational institutions for the purposes of awarding degrees to students who transfer before graduating.

Catalog Year
Catalog year determines the set of academic requirements that must be fulfilled for graduation. Students graduate under the catalog in effect at the time of their initial enrollment at Santa Fe College provided they maintain continuous enrollment. SF defines continuous enrollment as completion of at least one course per semester, without having a break in enrollment lasting three or more consecutive semesters. A “break in enrollment” is as a semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer) in which a student did not register for and complete at least one course. Withdrawals are considered completed courses.

Students who fail to maintain continuous enrollment must reapply for admission, will be subject to all admission requirements in effect at the time of reapplication, and will be assigned the catalog year in effect at the time for the readmission term.

Students who change their degree program will be assigned the catalog year in effect at the time of the program change.

Students may choose to graduate under the requirements of a later catalog, but they must fulfill all graduation requirements from that alternative catalog year.  Students interested in this option should consult with an academic advisor. Students will not be permitted to go back and graduate from a previous catalog year.

The college will make every reasonable effort to honor the curriculum requirements appropriate to each student’s catalog year. However, courses and programs will sometimes be discontinued, and requirements may change as a result of curricular review or actions by accrediting associations and other agencies.

Digital Badges
Students who enter Santa Fe College will be awarded a nationally recognized digital badge upon completion of general education core courses that demonstrate career readiness.

Industry Certification
Santa Fe College recognizes and awards credit by industry certification or licensure in some vocational/technical areas. Matriculated students are required to send a request for articulated credit through Industry Certification to the appropriate academic program areas following completion of the completed Application for Articulated Credit through Industry Certification form. The academic departments request verification from the registrar to assure that another institution has not already credited the student for articulated credit. Criteria for granting the articulated credit are determined within each department. Articulated Credit granted through this process is indicated on the student transcript. The college keeps articulated credit forms on file in order to respond to requests from other institutions. Application forms for industry certification articulated credit are available from the Academic Advisor for each Career and Technical Program area or upon request at 352.395.3646.

Experiential Learning
Santa Fe College recognizes and awards credit for previous experience or training in some vocational/technical areas. Matriculated students are required to submit requests for such credit to the appropriate academic program areas following completion of the Previous Experience/Training Credit form. The academic departments verify with the Office of the Registrar that another institution has not already credited the student for experiential learning. Criteria for granting the experiential credit are determined within each department. Experiential credits based on work experience may require a letter from the student’s employer documenting time in position, job title, duties, and employer contact information. Credit granted through this process is indicated on the student transcript. The college keeps experiential learning forms on file in order to respond to requests from other institutions. Applications forms for experiential learning are available from the program office in which credit is being requested.

Fee Waivers

60 Plus Fee Waivers
Santa Fe College will waive registration fees (excluding lab fees, materials, technology, or access fees) for individuals who are 60 years of age or older for all credit courses on a space available basis. “Space available” is defined as seats available on the last day of add for the term/session. Waivers will not be processed in cases where the initial registration for the course was prior to that date. Registration using this waiver is limited to “audit” only registrations; classes may not be taken for grade or academic credit. Students must be Florida residents for tuition purposes.  No waivers are available for any continuing education courses offered through the Center for Business. For Community Education, registration waivers are available after the pre-registration period ends, and if a class has space available and has covered 125 percent of its operating costs. Some Community Education classes do not offer 60 Plus waivers. Verification of age by driver’s license, birth certificate or voter’s registration card must be provided when applying for the waiver.

Classroom Teacher Waivers
Full-time classroom teachers employed by a Florida school district, as defined in Florida Statute 1001.02(2)(a), are eligible for a Classroom Teacher Waiver. Courses are limited to undergraduate courses related to special education, mathematics, or science, as approved by the Florida Department of Education. In accordance with F.S. 1009.26(10), the waiver may not be used for courses scheduled during the school district’s regular school day. Santa Fe College will waive tuition and fees (excluding lab fees, access fees, or technology fees) for classroom teachers to enroll in up to six credit hours of courses per term on a space available basis (defined as the last date of drop/add). Waivers will not be granted for courses where the initial registration was prior to the last date of drop/add. Eligible employees should bring documentation from their employer to the cashier’s office in the Robertson Administration Building, email it to cashier@sfcollege.edu, or fax it to 352-395-5131.

State Employee Tuition Fee Waivers
In accordance with Section 1009.265, Florida Statutes, Santa Fe College will waive tuition and fees (excluding lab fees, access fees, or technology fees) for state employees to enroll for up to six credit hours of courses per term on a space available basis (defined as the last date of drop/add). Please note that Section 1009.265(5), F.S. defines state employees as employees of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of state government and specifically excludes university employees. Also, proviso language in the General Appropriations Act specifies that state employees must be “full-time” employees. Waivers will not be granted for courses where the initial registration was prior to the last date of drop/add. Eligible employees should bring documentation from their employer to the cashier’s office in the Robertson Administration Building, email it to cashier@sfcollege.edu, or fax it to 352-395-5131.

Credit by Examination

Credit-By-Exam Equivalencies
To view the credit-by-exam equivalencies go to www.fldoe.org/policy/articulation/. For more information, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 352-395-5451.

Section 1007.27(2), Florida Statutes, requires the Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC) to establish passing scores and course and credit equivalents for Advanced Placement (AP), Advanced International Certificate of Education Program (AICE), International Baccalaureate (IB), and College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams. The DSST (DANTES) and Excelsior College exam equivalents on the list are not part of that requirement but are authorized by State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.024. Public community colleges and universities in Florida are required to award the minimum recommended credit for AP, AICE, IB and CLEP exams as designated.

Credit awarded by exam may not duplicate other credit. Institutions may not award credit for scores below those listed by the ACC. SF students may satisfy up to 45 semester hours of course credit through one or more of the mechanisms listed below; however, a maximum of 30 hours may be awarded for the IB diploma.

Score minimums, credit hours awarded, and course equivalencies awarded are subject to change for any examination without prior notice. Credit for all exams is awarded based on the recommendation of the State of Florida Office of Articulation as listed on the chart found at www.fldoe.org/policy/articulation/.

  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Defense Activity of Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
  • Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)
  • Excelsior College Examinations
  • Department Credit by Examination

Advanced Placement (AP) Contact Information
Advanced Placement Program - Order Services
P.O. Box 6670
Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6670
(609) 771-7243

SF cooperates fully with accredited high schools and colleges in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Credit is given for examinations where a score of three or better has been earned. For more information, please contact the Office of the Registrar at (352) 395-5451.

Articulation Agreement for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Contact information
International Baccalaureate Program
North America and the Caribbean
475 Riverside Drive, 16th Floor
New York, New York 10115
Phone: 212-696-4464
Fax: 212-889-9242

Students who have not been awarded the IB diploma shall be awarded a minimum of six semester credits in the subject areas of each IB higher level examination on which they scored five points or above.

Students who have been awarded the IB diploma shall be awarded up to 30 semester credits in the subject areas in which they scored four or above on IB Diploma Program examinations. The credits shall be awarded as follows: score minimums, credit hours awarded, and course equivalencies awarded are subject to change for any examination without prior notice.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Contact information
CLEP Transcript Service
P.O. Box 6600
Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6600
609-771-7865, 800-257-9558

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of examinations developed by the Educational Testing Service that allows students to demonstrate competency in certain subjects and earn college credit for those courses without attending classes. The required levels of performance on the examinations and the specific courses for which credit may be granted are subject to change according to the decisions of a statewide committee.

The CLEP examination may be taken at SF, the University of Florida or any center authorized by the College Entrance Examination Board. The student is responsible for having all scores submitted to the SF Office of the Registrar (Building R, room 112). The results are evaluated and recorded on the student’s transcript if credit is earned. Transfer students must have all transcripts on file from their previous institutions prior to having CLEP credit awarded. There is no charge for posting credits. Semester hours toward graduation are recorded as “credit by examination” with no grades or quality points given. These credits do not affect a student’s grade point average.

Credit for the general and subject examinations may be earned in those areas where students have not already earned academic credit. Credit for the examinations may be earned, provided the student has not already earned credit for the particular course(s) for which Santa Fe could give examination credit. Credit is not awarded for a basic course in areas where advanced course credit has been earned. No examination may be repeated in an attempt to receive credit. Score minimums, credit hours awarded, and course equivalencies awarded are subject to change for any examination without prior notice.

Credit for all exams is awarded based on the recommendation of the State of Florida Articulation Coordinating Committee as listed on the chart found at www.fldoe.org/articulation/. For more information, please contact the Office of the Registrar at 352-395-5451.

Defense Activity of Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
The DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs), unlike Advanced Placement, are not built around curriculum. Rather, they are designed to test students’ knowledge of a variety of college level subjects, regardless of where they may have learned the material. Transfer of credit is based on the Articulation Coordinating Committee’s recommended minimum scores and maximum amount of credit guaranteed to transfer with no letter grades or grade points assigned. Contact the Office of the Registrar (Building R, room 112) for more information.

Advanced International Certificate of Education Program (AICE)
The AICE program is an international, advanced secondary curriculum and assessment program equivalent to the British system of “A-Levels.” Transfer of credit is based on the Articulation Coordinating Committee’s recommended minimum scores and maximum amount of credit guaranteed to transfer with no letter grades or grade points assigned. Contact the Office of the Registrar (Building R, room 112) for more information.

Excelsior College Examinations
Excelsior College Examinations (formerly known as the Regents College Examinations or the Proficiency Examination Program) are developed by Excelsior College, using national committees of faculty consultants and national studies to assess how well the tests measure the performance of students in actual college courses. Excelsior College Examinations are approved by the American Council on Education, and Excelsior College itself is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Transfer of credit is based on the Articulation Coordinating Committee’s recommended minimum scores and maximum amount of credit guaranteed to transfer with no letter grades or grade points assigned. Contact the Office of the Registrar (Building R, room 112) for more information.

Department Credit by Examination
Students wishing to earn course credit by passing a departmental examination should consult the department in which the course is taught. Students may not apply for course credit through an SF Credit Examination if a CLEP examination is available. Students should be aware that SF Credit Examinations may not be offered for certain courses due to the nature of a particular course’s content.

Students may not take an examination for credit in a course if they have attempted the course at SF (receiving either an A, B, C, D, F, I or W for work attempted) or if they have earned credit for an advanced course in that area. Decisions about the relevancy of advanced courses will be made by instructors giving the examination. Credit by examination will not be counted in student course loads but will be averaged into student grade point averages. Credit by examination will not be available during the period between official college terms or on official college holidays.

Procedure for SF Department Credit by Examination

  1. Students complete a Credit by Examination application available in the offices of academic chairpersons and directors.
  2. Completed applications are presented to department or discipline chair or director. If the application is approved, the chair or director will explain how the examination will be administered according to current procedures. Depending on the discipline or program area, either individual examination dates for each student or a common examination date for all students will be set each term.
  3. Requests are presented to the appropriate chair or director for approval (signature).
  4. Approved forms are taken to the cashier’s window in the Robertson Administration Building for payment of the $30 examination fee.
  5. The application is returned by students to the discipline/program area examiner indicated in step two above.
  6. Upon completion of the examination, the examiner will forward the results (application) to the appropriate office and will also telephone that office to verify the test grade. The completed examination will be placed in the division’s Credit by Examination file for the discipline or program area.
  7. Students must then return to the office where the application was made, pick up a copy of the signed form and take it to the Office of the Registrar (Building R, room 112) for final recording. Students must allow one week after completion of the examination before picking up the copy from the appropriate office.
  8. Credit by Examination may be attempted a second time after the lapse of one full academic term beyond the term in which the first attempt was made. Students may not attempt Credit by Examination more than twice in the same course.

Career Pathways College Credit
Career Pathways College credit is a mechanism of accelerated credit that may be implemented during the high school years. Students who have earned sufficiently high grades in Career and Technical Education or career academy classes while in high school, and who have passed an exam formulated and administered by Santa Fe College, will receive credit on a permanent college transcript. For more information, please contact the Career Pathways Office at -352-395-5885.

Excess Credit Hour Surcharge
All students whose educational plan may include earning a baccalaureate degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for their intended major on their first attempt. Florida college students intending to transfer to a state university should identify a major or “transfer program” early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats, as well as enrollment in courses nonessential to the intended major, may contribute to a potential excess hour’s surcharge. Students who may exceed the required credit hours upon transferring to a university should see their academic advisor to plan accordingly. 

Section 1009.286, Florida Statutes, establishes an “excess hour” surcharge for a student seeking a baccalaureate degree at a state university. It is critical that students, including those entering Florida colleges, are aware of the potential for additional course fees. “Excess hours” are defined as hours that go beyond 120% of the hours required for a baccalaureate degree program. For example, if the length of the program is 120 credit hours, the student may be subject to an excess hour surcharge for any credits attempted beyond 144 credit hours (120% x 120).

The table below outlines how the Excess Credit Hour Surcharge is calculated.

If the student:

…Then excess credit hour charge applies to any credits taken above:

…And the excess surcharge is:

For Example:

Began college as an undergraduate between fall 2009 and summer 2011

120% of the required credit hours

An additional 50% of the current tuition rate

For a degree program that requires 120 semester hours, the excess credit-hour surcharge would apply to any credits taken above 144 semester hours (120% of 120). The student’s total charge would be calculated by adding current tuition and fees plus an additional 50% of the current tuition.

Began college as an undergraduate between fall 2011 and summer 2012

115% of the required credit hours

An additional 100% of the current tuition rate

For a degree program that requires 120 semester hours, the excess credit-hour surcharge would apply to any credits taken above 138 semester hours (115% of 120). The student’s total charge would be calculated by adding current tuition and fees plus an additional 100% of the current tuition.

Began college as an undergraduate in fall 2012 or after

110% of the required credit hours

An additional 100% of the current tuition rate

For a degree program that requires 120 semester hours, the excess credit-hour surcharge would apply to any credits taken above 132 semester hours (110% of 120). The student’s total charge would be calculated by adding current tuition and fees plus an additional 100% of the current tuition.

Most college credit hours will count towards the calculation of excess credit hours. This includes failed courses, courses dropped after the end of the advertised drop and add period, withdrawals, repeats, and transfer credits earned at another institution. Note, however, the following credits will not count toward the calculation of excess credit hours: credits earned through an articulated accelerated programs (i.e. dual enrollment, AP, IB, AICE); withdrawals due to medical or personal hardship; credit hours required for certification, recertification or certificate programs; credit hours taken by active-duty military personnel; credit hours required to achieve a dual degree or double major taken while pursuing a baccalaureate degree; developmental courses and English as a second language credit hours; credit hours earned through internships; and credit hours earned in military science courses that are part of the ROTC program.