Oct 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Santa Fe College’s Vocabulary

The following list of common Santa Fe College (SF) vocabulary words will help you along your path to success - so that we all speak a common language! As you encounter additional unfamiliar college-related terms, make a note of them.



A&S Fees

Also known as Student Activity & Service Fees. A&S Fees are used to support activities and programs that take place outside of the classroom, are ungraded, offer no credit, and have the potential to benefit all students.

A.A./Associate in Arts Degree

A degree designed for transfer to an upper-division college or university

A.S./Associate in Science Degree

A degree designed to prepare students to enter a career upon completion or to transfer to a limited upper division college or university program

Academic Advisement

A resource offering guidance in setting goals, selecting a program of study, determining appropriate coursework, fulfilling degree requirements, and transferring to an upper-division college or university.

Academic Advisor

Academic Advisors provide students with information and guidance as they develop a plan to attain their educational goals. This guidance might include information on/assistance with, degree selection, placement, course selection and sequencing, degree requirements, transfer requirements, career exploration, and college academic policies and procedures. It is recommended that students meet with an advisor at least once a semester to make sure that they are on track with their academic plans. They can find their assigned academic advisor’s contact information on eSantaFe in their Degree Audit.

Academic Calendar 

Schedule of important college deadlines occurring during an academic year.

Academic Misconduct

This is a form of student misconduct which includes, but is not limited, to any form of cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy, fabrication, or failure to cooperate in connection with any curricular endeavor. The Student Conduct Code explains standard penalties for academic misconduct. Those penalties may involve failure of the work involved, automatic failure for the class or even expulsion.


Certification that the college has met established standards and is nationally recognized by appropriate accrediting agencies. Santa Fe College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award the associate and baccalaureate degrees. Individual programs within the college may have additional accreditations.

Advanced Placement (AP)

College credits earned before enrollment at Santa Fe College through certain examinations administered by the College Board. The state mandates the nature of credit given. Check the Santa Fe College website to see what course credits correspond to a particular AP score.

Advanced Technical Certificate (ATC)

Advanced Technical Certificates require that you have earned an A.A. or A.S. degree before admission to the program. Programs include Computed Tomography and Polysomnography. 

Advisement Track

An A.A. degree option that includes general education and common prerequisites and pre-professional courses from a university major at a University within the Florida State University System.


Representatives of the Santa Fe College student body and marketing representatives of the entire campus; students who work with faculty, staff, students, and members of the community to promote SF and its programs and services.

American College Testing Program (ACT)

Assessment used for placement purposes.

Andrews Center

SF’s location in Starke


Appeals are formal processes for requesting exceptions to rules regarding registration, financial aid, or student conduct. Appeals are usually handled through Student Affairs. 


As an apprentice, you will be sponsored by your employer who pays all required fees or reimburses you upon completion of the program.

Archer Center

SF’s location in Archer. See Davis Center.

Articulated AS/BAS/BS

A degree designed to prepare students to enter a career upon completing the degree with no further study required. Some AS programs are transferable to a state university program.

Articulation Agreement

Agreement between members of the Florida College System and Florida’s state universities assuring junior-level status to students who receive the Associate in Arts (AA) degree and graduation requirements in university parallel programs.


Initial and subsequent evaluation of students to aid in placement and progress in reading comprehension, writing, English language skills, arithmetic, and algebra.

AA/Associate in Arts Degree

A degree designed for transfer to an upper-division college or university.

AAS/Associate of Applied Science

An Associate in Applied Science is a two-year, career education degree designed to prepare students for entry into the workforce. The A.A.S. degree usually requires one year of prerequisite course work and one to two years in the program for a total of two to three years for completion but requires less intensive math courses than the A.S. degree program.

AS/Associate in Science Degree

A degree designed to prepare students to enter a career upon completion or to transfer to a limited upper-division college or university program.

Association of Florida Colleges (AFC)

AFC is the most unique organization serving any community college system in the nation.

A term

Flexterm offered during the first half of fall, spring, or summer term (see Flexterms)


Credit course taken for no credit.


Baccalaureate Degree/ Bachelor of Applied Science/ BAS/

Degrees that require the completion of at least 120 credit hours of coursework, including 36 hours of general education courses and 30 hours of upper-division courses. It also requires competency in a foreign language, a minimum of 2.0 GPA in all courses attempted and completion of at least 25% of all upper-division credit hours at Santa Fe College. 


An industry-leading service that processes and disburses financial aid balances and refunds to students on behalf of the college.

Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

A team of SF employees focused on encouraging an environment of increased safety and student care.

Board of Trustees

Eight citizens of Alachua and Bradford counties who are appointed by the Governor and charged with the overall governance of Santa Fe College.

Big Open Lab (BOL)

SF’s largest computer lab is the Testing Center, but also available to students for general computer use during specified hours; Located on the second floor of N Building.


SF’s bookstore is located in Building S on the Northwest campus. Books can also be ordered online and/or with financial aid.

Book Charging

You may be able to charge books and supplies against your financial balance using a bookstore line of credit (BLOC) at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore

Box Office

Ticket center located on the side of the Fine Arts Hall. 

Blount Center

SF’s location in downtown Gainesville. (Soon to be the Blount Campus).

B term

Flex term offered during the second half of fall, spring or summer semester. (see Flexterms)


The Bursar is the college official who supervises Student Financial Services and the Cashier’s Office, located on the first floor of the Robertson Administration Building.



SF’s learning management system (LMS), used to provide online materials for the College’s online, hybrid, and web-enhanced courses. The College recommends that students familiarize themselves with Canvas as soon as they register for their first classes since missing Canvas work will usually lower a student’s grade.

Canvas 101 Student Orientation

This mini course was developed by the Canvas Help team at SF Online to help you become more familiar with Canvas (our primary online learning platform) and to prepare you to be successful with online learning at Santa Fe College.

College Achievement Program (CAP)

An academic enrichment program that begins with a summer bridge-experience for recent high school graduates and provides support through college completion.

Career Exploration Center

The Center provides students with career information and counseling, including career interest assessments; located in R-217. The college encourages all students to visit the Career Exploration Center, for information that can help them achieve their career goals more efficiently.

Career and Technical Education

Courses related to A.S./A.A.S./P.S.A.V. programs and workforce development.

Cashier’s Office

Where students can pay fees, including tuition and fines (such as parking tickets); located in the Robertson Administration Building (Building F). Students may also pay fees online.

Civic Engagement and Service (CES)

Engages students in civic and community-based learning experiences; includes Alternative Breaks, Volunteer Fairs, and weekly service projects.

Civics Literacy Requirement

Students entering a Florida State College or University for the first time in Fall 2018 or later and pursuing an A.A. or baccalaureate degree will be required to meet a Civics Literacy requirement. As of Fall 2018, the requirement can be met with AMH2020, POS2041, a “3” on the AP government exam, a “4” on the AP US history exam, or a 50 on the CLEP American Government exam. Please note that this is a STATE policy.

Class Period

Normally a clock hour per week per credit hour. Individual courses and labs may vary.

College Credit Certificate (CCC)

A technical certificate is a program of study of fewer than sixty credits of college-level technical courses that prepares students for the opportunity of immediate employment in a specific occupational field. It generally does not require the completion of general education courses.

College for Kids (CFK)

The College for Kids (CFK) program is organized by Community Education and is designed as an academic program, offering students challenging, fun, hands-on learning experiences beyond the ordinary school environment. A wide range of classes in topics ranging from art to math to science to computer skills is available to choose from in block sessions.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

College credits earned through examinations administered by College Board in specified subjects, with such credit applicable toward a degree where accepted by the college.

College Night

An opportunity for students, prospective students, families, and friends to meet representatives from more than 60 colleges and universities to find out about the institutions and the programs and service each offers.

College Prep (See Developmental Education)

Courses that help students prepare for college-level work; students are placed into College Prep courses based on their initial college placement test scores.

College Work-Study (See Work-Study)

Work-study is a government-funded program that helps college students with financial need get part-time jobs. To be eligible for College Work-Study opportunities students must check the box on the FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Community Education

An area offering many noncredit classes in topics from tennis to computers to knitting for personal and professional development.

Conduct Code

The Student Conduct Rule, defined in College Rule 7.23, sets forth the specific authority and responsibility of the College in maintaining social discipline, establishes guidelines which facilitate a just and civil college community, establishes a code of conduct and appropriate sanctions for violations of rules, laws, and regulations by students and student organizations, and outlines the associated student conduct process to be administered by the College. 

Students who violate the Conduct Code, which applies to credit-seeking as well as non-credit-seeking students, might face sanctions that include extra academic work, failure of exams, failure of courses, or even expulsion from the college. 

Continuing Professional Education

Courses offered to upgrade professional skills or to meet state and national licensure or certification requirements.


Santa Fe College’s convocation for students is also known as the student orientation or Santa Fe Live.

Counseling Center

Office providing students with counseling services (e.g. personal, stress, etc.) and referrals; located in R-227.


A course required to be taken at the same time as another course.

Credit Hour

A semester hour of credit usually equals an hour per week that a class meets per regular session. Credit given for labs and other special courses may vary.

Cultural Awareness Programs

Information shared during cultural awareness programs is made available on the ISSA website, including international food recipes, cultural facts, photos, and PowerPoint presentations. Feedback on this information will be solicited via an online evaluation.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

CPT is alternate work/study, internship, cooperative education, clerkship, or optional/required internship or practicum, available for international students (F-1 visa) before completion of the educational objective.


Davis Center

SF’s location in Archer.


A deferment delays payment using your estimated funding sources, like financial aid and VA funding.

Degree Audit

Formal list of courses completed and required to be completed to qualify for graduation. The degree audit is available online through eSantaFe. (see eSantaFe) Through the degree audit, students can view the courses that will help them fulfill their Santa Fe College degree requirements and/or the courses that will help them transfer to their desired transfer program.

Developmental Education

Instruction through which a student who applies for any college credit program may attain the communication and computation skills necessary to successfully complete college credit coursework.

Disabilities Resource Center (DRC)

The DRC provides services to SF students with disabilities to provide an equal opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of SF life. The office is located on the second floor of Building S.

Disciplinary Admissions Committee (DAC)

DAC is charged with developing an understanding of the unique circumstances of each applicant and identifying possible supports for success. The Disciplinary Admissions process serves not as a barrier to access, but rather to help students with a criminal and disciplinary history be successful at SF.


Disbursement is the payment of remaining student aid and scholarship funds after authorized tuition, fees and books have been deducted. This can also be called a “refund.” 


Student status under which he/she is not permitted to attend college for a specified period of time. A student might be dismissed from Santa Fe College for criminal offenses or violation of Santa Fe’s Conduct Code .

Displaced Homemaker Program (DHP)

DHP offers free classes and workshops to homemakers looking to enter the workforce. With assistance from DHP, over 4,500 women in Alachua and Bradford counties have been able to experience self-sufficiency through increased wages and have reduced the need for social services. DHP is located in I Building.


Limited time period at the beginning of each term during which students may attempt to adjust their course schedules. Note: Classes dropped after this period ends will count as course attempts. This is also when financial aid stops increasing awards based on additional courses. After the drop period, students may withdraw from a course (see Withdrawals).

D term

Flex term offered during the first ten weeks of a semester (see Flexterms).



English for Academic Purposes are for-credit courses offered through the Humanities and Foreign Languages department for non-native English speakers to prepare them to succeed in college-level coursework conducted in English.


Equal Access / Equal Opportunity

Educational Aide

Student employee appointed to college payroll for any department and is required to adhere to IRS requirements for enrollment.

Educational Plan

This plan consists of all coursework that will be taken at Santa Fe College. Students should complete an educational plan with their academic advisor during their first semester at Santa Fe College. Each student’s unique circumstances is taken into consideration when developing a plan. The plans are typically four semesters but can be any length depending on each student’s past academic preparation and future academic goals. The educational plan should incorporate all requirements needed for both graduations from Santa Fe College and/or transfer to the student’s selected institution and major. 

Emergency Aid

Support provided by the college for students facing situations that threaten their ability to do well academically. Aid may include food, counseling, transportation assistance, referrals or grant funds.

Emergency Notifications

In the event of a campus emergency, SF provides mass messaging to students and staff by mail, text or voice call, depending on which method the receiver chooses by visiting “Emergency Notification” under “Records -> My Information” in eSantaFe. 

Enrolled in the Current Term

A student is considered enrolled in the current term when she/he enrolls in any flex term or full-term for-credit course and either pays fees in full or has them deferred via Financial Aid. Enrollment in the current term is required to use the Fitness Center, Student Health Care Center, check out books from the Library, serve as a student organization officer, or travel with the college.


SF’s online student services center, offers orientation, advisement, registration, grades, financial aid information, and more. A link to eSantaFe may be found on the top of SF webpages.


English for Speakers of Other Languages - non-credit courses in English offered through the Adult Education department.


A form of sport competition using video games. E-Sports at Santa Fe College are offered through a partnership between Athletics and Student Life.

Excess Credit Hour Surcharge

Students who exceed the maximum number of credit hours recommended by the state for a baccalaureate degree at a state university are required, by law, to pay additional funds called the Excess Credit Hour Surcharge.


Express Transportation to Rural Areas (EXTRA) is a shuttle service that provides daily, roundtrip van service from outlying areas to the Northwest campus.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA, as amended, and Florida law afford students certain rights with respect to their education records (See FERPA under Registrar’s webpage). This Federal Law limits another person’s access to any student information, and even impacts faculty-student communication and the use of official Santa Fe College email accounts.


A non-refundable financial charge for services rendered, such as for activities, laboratories, or special tests. 

Final Exam Period

This is the time at the end of the semester set aside for students to take final exams. Final exams typically do not occur during regular class times. Dates and times for Final Exams can be found on the Registrar’s webpages. Click on the “Critical Dates” link. 

Financial Aid Package

The total amount of financial aid (federal and non-federal) a student receives.

Fine Arts Hall (FAH)

Santa Fe College’s state-of-the-art performance space where one may see student performances associated with the Fine Arts department and other high-profile events, including guest speakers.

First Time in College (FTIC)

This state classification is used to identify students enrolling in college for the first time.


An administrative hold placed on a student’s account that prevents them from being able to accomplish certain tasks at Santa Fe College until the reason for the flag is resolved. Flags may include fees or paperwork due, student conduct issue, etc.

Flex terms

Academic sessions that offer traditional college credit courses in a shorter-term by extending class periods, allowing students to take a fast track to their degrees.

Florida Bright Futures

The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship is a Florida lottery-funded scholarship program that rewards students for their academic achievements during high school by offering to fund the pursuit of post-secondary education and career goals in Florida.

Florida Prepaid

Florida Prepaid College Plan allows families to prepay the future cost of college. The plan pays the tuition, tuition differential fee and other specified fees covered under the plan at any Florida College or State University.

Food Court

Santa Fe College’s food service outlet on the Northwest campus with three restaurants (Subway, Dominos and La Fortuna), serving breakfast and lunch. 

Food Pantry

The Gainesville Harvest at SF food pantry is located at H-104, close to the Gator Den. It is typically open on Monday mornings from 8 to 11 am for all members of the SF community to receive non-perishable grocery items and baked goods. For more immediate needs, the SFDP has a small food pantry and is open 24/7.

Foreign Language Requirement

The requirement by Florida’s state universities that students transferring to the university must have earned two years of sequential foreign language at the high school level or the equivalent at a State College. Effective Fall 2014.

Form 1098-T

Information on this tax form is to assist you in claiming an educational tax credit on your federal income tax return.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Free Application for Federal Student Aid, available online at https://studentaid.gov/; Must be completed each school year to be eligible for federal student aid (grants, work-study awards, & loans).

Full-Time Student

A student enrolled in 12 or more credit hours in fall, spring, and summer; for six or more credit hours in summer A, B or D. For Financial Aid purposes, a clock hour student consistently attending 24 hours per week or more is considered full-time.


Gainesville Harvest @ SF

The Gainesville Harvest at SF food pantry is located at H-104, close to the Gator Den. It is typically open on Monday mornings from 8 to 11 am for all members of the SF community to receive non-perishable grocery items and baked goods.

Gator Den

The Gator Den, also known as UF@SF, is Santa Fe College’s information hub where students can receive information about transferring to the University of Florida. The Gator Den is located in HA-132.

General Education

A specific number of credit hours of basic liberal arts courses required as a foundation of university parallel AA degree programs. Santa Fe College’s general education requirements fall into seven broad areas - Communications, Mathematics, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Research and Analysis, Multicultural and Global Awareness and Social Sciences. General Education requirements are in part determined by the State.

George G. Kirkpatrick, Jr., Criminal Justice Training Center

Santa Fe College’s Institute of Public Safety offering specialized training in corrections, emergency medical services, fire science, and law enforcement. IPS is located on NW 39th Avenue, near the Gainesville Regional Airport.

Good Academic Standing

a SF student enrolled in at least 3 credit hours in the semester, and with a minimum SF cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0, and all fees due to the college are paid. Also, look at SOAP. 


An alphabetical measure of academic success or failure ranging from excellent (A) to failure (F); Santa Fe College’s grading scale includes “plus” grades at the levels D through B but does not include “minus” grades.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Dividing total quality points earned by total semester hours completed. GPAs range from 4.0 downward; Grade point averages are determined by computing the ratio of grade points earned to semester hours attempted. Grades of W and X are not included in total grade point averages. Students should note that a transfer institution or program might calculate a GPA differently than Santa Fe College. AA students should also note that many upper-division colleges will also calculate a “pre-professional” GPA, See an academic advisor for more information.

Graduation Check

Formal list of courses completed and required to be completed to qualify for graduation. A graduation check is performed by the Records office at the student’s request.

Graduation Status summary 

Can be accessed via eSantaFe under Degree Audit to show whether a student is eligible for graduation. 


Award based on financial need that does not need to be repaid.


High School Dual Enrollment

Program designed to offer high school students the opportunity to attend Santa Fe College either for special educational goals (e.g. technical and applied sciences or fine arts) or college academic study. The office is located in Building R.

Honors Program

Students pursuing an Associate of Arts degree may earn an Honors certificate by successfully completing twelve hours of Honors courses, including special versions of general education and unique electives.

Hybrid Course

A course where part of the learning takes place in the classroom and part takes place online using the college’s learning management system (see Canvas). Students should note that any mandatory college attendance policies include online attendance in Hybrid classes.Compare to on-campus course, online course and virtualized hybrid course.


International Center

The International Center, located on the 3rd floor of S Building, is a space for domestic and international students to interact and get services including F-1 Visa support, academic advising, and study abroad opportunities and more. Offices housed within the International Center include International Education, International Student Services, International Student Support & Advising, and English for Academic Purposes.

International Student

A full-time, degree-seeking student who is studying at Santa Fe College on an F-1 student visa. International applicants who will require an F-1 visa to study in the United State should contact International Student Services to complete the admission process.

Intramural sports

Intramural sports promote social interaction, healthy lifestyles, and student-friendly rivalry through many different forms of competition. The College’s Intramural Sports program offers a variety of sports including Flag Football, Soccer, Beach Volleyball, Weightlifting, Basketball, and more.

Institute for Public Safety (IPS)

See George G. Kirkpatrick, Jr., Criminal Justice Training Center 


Jean Klein Rock Cycle Garden

The Jean Klein Rock Cycle Garden is a one of a kind outdoor exhibit on the Northwest Campus of Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida. It features over twenty boulders, many weighing thousands of kilograms. These boulders were collected from different localities across the U.S.A.


Keystone Heights Center

Santa Fe College’s campus located in Keystone Heights. Also, see Watson Center


Learning Commons

The Learning Commons is a free resource that can help students achieve higher grades on coursework. Located in the Library (Y Building), the Learning Commons offers academic coaching, tutoring, and engagement with faculty and staff.

Learning Management System (LMS)

A cloud-based system used to support online learning, hybrid courses, and many traditional classes (see Canvas). Student understanding of the College’s LMS is often directly related to grades in courses that use the LMS.

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Courses related to AA degree studies which include Fine Arts, Humanities & Foreign Languages, English, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social & Behavioral Sciences.

Little School

A school offering a safe, stimulating and loving learning environment for children 14 months to five years. Enrollment is open to the campus population and the community.

Loan Default

When a student loan hasn’t been repaid according to the agreed-upon terms. For most federal student loans, a student will default if they have not made a payment in more than 270 days or 9 months after the last day of attendance.


Borrowed money that must be paid with interest, with repayment usually deferred until after graduation.

Lower Division

Courses primarily for freshmen and sophomores.



A mask is a cloth face covering that is worn over the mouth and nose during the COVID-19 pandemic to decrease the spread of coronavirus. Masks are mandatory at Santa Fe College.

Microsoft Teams

Also referred to as simply Teams, is a unified communication and collaboration platform that allows students, faculty and staff to hold video meetings, chat, and store files.

Museum of Earth Science

Santa Fe College’s Museum of Earth Science is home to over 1,700 mineral, fossil and rock samples around the world. The museum also has Martian and lunar meteorites and other “rocks from space.” It is located in the Natural Science Building X.

My Brother’s Keeper (MBK)

MBK is a support program designed to increase the retention and success of black males both academically and socially.  MBK offers mentoring, leadership development, weekly study hall, personal & professional development workshops, community service, and college tours.  MBK is located in I Building.

My Financial Aid Status

My FA Status is a tool on eSantaFe that provides personalized guidance to students from FAFSA application through disbursement of Financial Aid.  Students can visit My FA Status to learn the status of their application, to learn about any required documents, appeal status, and more.


A tool in eSantaFe that assists new students from point of application to the point of initial enrollment. Students need to review the Registration Agreement every semester before registering for classes and they find it in MyStatus


National Student Loan Database (NSLDS)

The National Student Loan Database provides a centralized view of your federal loans and grants taken at all enrolled schools, from the U.S. Department of Education’s central database for student aid.


A continuing professional education course for which college credit is not granted.

Northwest Campus

Santa Fe College’s largest and most comprehensive campus; located off I-75 in northwest Gainesville. Also called NWF for short.


Official communications sent via eSantaFe from the College to current and potential students.


Oak Grove

Large open field near the center of the Northwest campus that serves as a hub for many student events.

Office 365

The platform for SF email accounts. Students must learn to use their Office 365 accounts because Federal privacy laws (see FERPA) require that the college use only these accounts to communicate with students.

Office Hours

Times that professors are available to meet with students.


Staff member at SF that offers a safe and confidential environment for students to discuss concerns, problems and complaints. The office is located in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.

On-Campus Course

A course that requires regular in-person attendance. (Compare to online course, hybrid course and virtualized hybrid course)

Online course

A course that has no on-campus attendance requirements. (Compare to on-campus course, hybrid course and virtualized hybrid course)

Optional Practice Training (OPT)

Optional Practical Training for international students (F-1 visa) is defined in the regulations as “temporary employment for practical training directly related to the student’s major area of study.

Overflow Parking

Extra parking space located across SF’s gym.


Part-Time Student

Student enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours in fall or spring and fewer than six credit hours in summer A, B, or D. For Financial Aid purposes, a clock hour student consistently attending 12 hours per week or less is also considered part-time.

Pell Grant

A Pell Grant is money the government provides for students who need it to pay for college. Grants, unlike loans, do not have to be repaid. Eligible students receive a specified amount each year under this program.


Formal processes for requesting a change to an academic record; Generally, requires extraordinary unforeseen circumstances beyond the student’s control.

Perry Center

The Charles R. and Nancy V. Perry Center for Emerging Technologies is located in Alachua, Fla.


A file format that provides an electronic image of text or text and graphics that looks like a printed document and can be viewed, printed, and electronically transmitted. Students are encouraged to download a PDF converter app to aid in smooth document submission.


The Kika Silva Pla Planetarium employs the latest educationally innovating technology in a unique immersive-learning environment.

Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT)

Florida’s customized placement and diagnostic test that is given by computer and used to determine initial course placements in mathematics, reading, and writing.

Postsecondary Adult Vocational Certificate (PSAV)

A contact hour-based program of instruction consisting of career and technical certificate courses designed to prepare students for entry into employment. The VC does not require 60 credit hours of college course work. However, students must meet specific basic skills requirements in English, mathematics, and writing. The VC certificate typically takes 6 months to 2 years to complete.

Pre-professional Courses

Courses required by a student’s intended upper division major and transfer institution.


Course that must be satisfactorily completed before a higher-level related course can be taken.


A status given to students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

Program of Study

Areas of academic pursuit which include Vocational Certificates, the Associate of Arts degree, Associate of Science degrees and Baccalaureate degrees.


Santa Fe College’s Chief Academic Officer/Vice President for Academic Affairs.


The act of automatically dropping students from their classes if their tuition is not paid or deferred by the Fees Due Date indicated on eSantaFe.


Quality Points

The value, ranging from 4 to 0, for grades from A to F for all courses completed, used in determining academic average; See GPA.


R.A.D program

The SF Police Department and Alachua County Sheriff’s Office host a Rape Aggression Defense program, known as R.A.D. This program is a self-defense course specifically for women. The class is FREE, but enrollment is limited to ensure the highest level of quality instruction.

Reduced Course Load (RCL)

A Reduced Course Load (RCL) can be utilized by our students with an F-1 visa to take fewer courses than what is required by the United States Code of Federal Regulations.

Regional Transit System (RTS) Public transportation system operated by the City of Gainesville. SF students ride standard RTS buses for free system-wide with a current SF ID card. For more information, visit www.go-rts.com.

Registration Agreement

The registration agreement outlines the terms that each student is expected to comply with before registering for classes. Students need to review the Registration Agreement every semester before registering for classes in MyStatus.

Registration Stops

Temporary hold on your eSantaFe account for you to complete before class registration is possible.

Remote Services

Remote service includes interactions with SF faculty and staff that occur through technology and without face to face contact. Remote service includes video conference meetings, telephone meetings, emails, and electronic document submission.


The legal status which a person acquires as the result of establishment of a domicile with the intent to permanently remain in that domicile other than for temporary absences. Classification of residency is required in order to assess tuition and fees.

Return of Title IV (R2T4)

A federal law requiring any federal financial aid recipient who withdraws within the first 60% of the term (in calendar days) to pay back a portion of financial aid received.


Safe Santa Fe App

The app will send you important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources. Safe Santa Fe is the official mobile safety app of Santa Fe College.

Saints ShareWear

Saints ShareWear is Santa Fe College’s thrift shop for men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing, shoes, and accessories. Located in HA-130. 

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory progress toward a degree that the student must maintain to be eligible to receive financial aid.

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

Assessment used for placement purposes.


Non-repayable awards based either on merit or special talent alone or on merit and financial need. The SF Foundation offers over $1million per year in scholarships for SF students. Apply at https://www.sfcollege.edu/foundation/scholarships/

See Something, Say Something

If you see behavior that indicates a potential for violence or threatens anyone at SF or on SF property, please dial 911 or call the Santa Fe College Police Department IMMEDIATELY at 352-395-5555 and report the behavior with information including location, date and time, persons involved, descriptions, and witness. Please complete this online  if you observe concerning or threatening behavior that suggests harm to SF students, staff, or visitors.


Guaranteed admission program for students intending to transfer to one of the following state universities: Florida A& M University (FAMU), University of North Florida (UNF), University of South Florida (USF) or University of West Florida (UWF). Please see your academic advisor for more information.

SicEm Saints Rewards

A rewards program sponsored by Athletics. Students earn points for attending athletic events or use the SF gym. Once students accumulate points, they can exchange them for Saints merchandise.

Smart-thinking Online Tutoring

In eSantaFe, click on Study Tools to find the SmartThinking link, and you are clicks away from free online tutoring with a real live tutor, 24/7!

Social Distancing

Physical distancing is intended to prevent the spread of coronavirus during the COVID19 pandemic. A physical distance of 6 feet should be maintained at all times at Santa Fe College.

Southern Scholarship Foundation 

Through rent-free housing and cooperative living, Southern Scholarship Foundation supports students who lack financial resources, demonstrate excellent academic merit, and exemplify good character attend institutions of higher education.

Standards of Academic Progress (SOAP)

To be considered in good standing and continue successfully toward a degree, a student must achieve a minimum term and an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher each term.

Starke Center

See Andrews Center above.


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math 

Student Affairs

Supports student access, engagement and success through the following departments: Admissions, Academic Advisement Center, Athletics, College Achievement Program, Career Exploration Center, Counseling Center, Disabilities Resource Center, Financial Aid, Finish at the Top, Focus on the Future, International Student Services, My Brother’s Keeper, Ombudsperson, Registrar, Student Development & Leadership, Student Life, TRIO Programs and Veterans and Military Success Services.

Student Ambassadors

Student Ambassadors are representatives of the Santa Fe College student body and marketing representatives of the college. Ambassadors work with faculty, staff, students, and members of the community to promote Santa Fe College and its programs and services. Student ambassadors receive a partial scholarship, gain leadership skills that will help build their resume, university, and scholarship applications, earn letters of recommendations, get connected to and serve their campus, and help students and the community learn more about Santa Fe College.

Student Carpool Lot 

Designated as lot 11B on the Northwest Campus, it is near the SF Gymnasium and has 50 parking spaces outlined by green lines. One decal will be given for two currently enrolled & approved student participants and will only be valid for one semester.

Student Government (SG)

Official representatives of the student body to the administration in matters concerning student life. Offices are located in S-150. Officers are elected each spring.

Student Health Care Center (SHCC)

Staffed by a registered nurse and a nurse practitioner, the Student Health Care Center provides basic student health care services, many for free. The SHCC also has information on local health care providers to which you can be referred for complex problems. Located in S Building. 

Student ID

Identification card available to students in the Center for Student Leadership and Activities (Building S Lobby). The cards are required for access to SF facilities including the Fitness Center and the Student Health Care Center, and to access services including checking out books from the Library and riding RTS buses for free. The first Student ID card is free. 

Student Life

College department that coordinates extracurricular or co-curricular programs. Functional areas include Athletics (including intercollegiate sports, intramural sports, club/rec sports, and the Fitness Center), Leadership Institute, International Center, Office of Civic Engagement and Service, Student Government, Student Health Care Center and Student Activities.

Student Load

A number of credit hours carried by a student in any term. 

Study Abroad

Coordinated by the International Education office, Study Aboard programs are high-quality international learning experiences needed to compete for employment in the global job market; Located in the International Center, S-310.


Student status under which she/he is not permitted to attend college for a specified period of time.


Document that provides essential information regarding the course, including the content to be covered, grading scheme, expectations for student behavior and any special requirements. Many faculty view the syllabus as a contract between the student and faculty member.


Testing Center

Formerly the Big Open Lab, the Testing Center is located in N Building, second floor, and is available to students for general computer use when not reserved for testing. Please check its website for hours of availability.


To be arranged or announced.

This Week @ SF

A weekly online newsletter  for students published by Student Life. It is and emailed to students each week and published on the Student Life website.


Test of English as a Foreign Language.


Official record of college courses taken by a particular student.

Transfer Student

Student who attended another college or university before coming to Santa Fe College.

Transient Student

Students taking one or more classes to complete degree requirements and major course work away from their home institution;  All transient students taking courses at Santa Fe College should have a transient form from their home institution prior to registering for classes at Santa Fe College to guarantee that any course work taken at Santa Fe College will transfer back to their institution. Students may only receive financial aid at their home institution, not from both schools, and electronic attendance must be received so aid can pay out.

Trespass Notice

The SF Police Department has the authority to issue a trespass notice to any person whom constitutes a threat to safety and security. Persons whom have been issued a trespass notice are not allowed on any Santa Fe College property, campuses or areas under the control of Santa Fe College, and will be arrested for trespassing if they are known or reasonably believed to be on or have come on property, campuses or areas under the control of Santa Fe College.


Financial charge for each credit hour of instruction.

Tuition Payment Plan

An option available for students to spread out their payments over 2 or 3 months. More information is available on eSantaFe, at the Fee Payment link following registration.



A student at a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor’s or equivalent degree.

Upper Division

Courses offered at the junior level or higher. 



Verification is a federally-required process to confirm that the information you and/or your parents provided on your FAFSA is accurate.

Virtualized Hybrid Courses

These courses do not require on-campus attendance but do require online attendance on specific days and at specific times each week. Virtualized Hybrid courses use technology like Zoom or Microsoft Teams.  Compare to on-campus course, online course and hybrid course.

Virtual Lobby

An online office that enables you to connect to SF staff members. Virtual lobbies are available in AA Advising, Admissions, Counseling, Disabilities Resources Center, International Student Services, Financial Aid and Records.

Virtual Service

Virtual service includes interactions with SF faculty and staff that occur through technology and without face to face contact. Remote service includes video conference meetings, telephone meetings, emails, and electronic document submission.

Virtual Tours

The Office of Admissions offers virtual tours to allow you to explore the Santa Fe College campus without having to be physically present.


Watson Center

Santa Fe College’s campus in Keystone Heights.

Web-enhanced Course

A regular, face-to-face class that uses the college’s learning management system (see Canvas) to supplement learning.

Work Study

A form of federal student aid, whereby a student works on campus or in the community, and wages are paid by the federal government. Eligibility is determined after completing the FAFSA.


Removal from a course or courses by completion of proper forms on eSantaFe or in the Records Office or by faculty members for excessive absences. Students are ultimately responsible for initiating their own withdrawals and should not rely on being withdrawn by a faculty member. Students should not confuse a drop with a withdrawal. Students who withdraw receive no refund, and transfer institutions often calculate a W as a zero in GPA calculation. A withdrawal will also count as a course attempt.



Santa Fe College’s Teaching Zoo is a fully functioning zoo, operated largely by Santa Fe College students under the direction of Zoo faculty and staff, and is located on the northwest corner of the Northwest Campus.


Zoom is a platform used by SF faculty and staff that allows for live video meetings. SF students are encouraged to download the Zoom app for the best possible experience.